Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications Inspection tour to MMMC
Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, U Aung Kyaw Tun toured the Myanmar Mercantile Maritime College on 16th August 2022.
Firstly, Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications, U Aung Kyaw Tun met with officials from Admin and Education departments at MMMC College. At the meeting, the principal of MMMC, U Zaw Win Htun presented the brief history of MMMC College, vision, mission, objectives, education and training programs implemented in line with International standards, the current status of implementation work and plans to be carried out in the future. The Deputy Minister then discussed and gave necessary guidelines on the presentation. Next, the Deputy Minister provided food for the teachers and staff.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister inspected Chaung Wa Swimming Pool (Training Centre of MMMC) and new Staff Housing. Next, Deputy Minister inspected the classrooms, Workshops, Smoke House for firefighting, Sports hall, Dormitories and Mess room of MMMC Cadets.
Deputy Minister then met with 256 MMMC Cadets at the Mess room. Then, Deputy Minister had lunch together with Principal, Officials from College and Cadets. Next, Deputy Minister gave speech and necessary instructions.