1. How long does it take to get the diploma?
It will take about two years each to get the Diploma in Nautical Studies and Diploma in Maritime Technology. There are two semesters in each academic year.
2. Is there an age limit to attend the college?
Maximum age is 19 years on 31 December at the academic year with the matriculation examination passed certificate.
3. Are cadets required to live on campus?
All first cadets are required to live at least two semesters in the residence halls. Second year cadets have on-campus and off-campus options.
4. What are the courses that fresher Engine cadet must complete before joining a ship?
The fresher Engine cadet must complete the following courses:
5. What are the courses that fresher Deck cadet must complete before joining a ship?
The fresher Deck cadet must complete the following courses:
6. When can I be eligible for Advanced Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (ACT) course?
You are eligible for ACT Course if you have completed the Tanker Familiarizations course (TF), Advanced Fire Fighting course (AFF) and certificate of Competency course.