Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

Technical Library

Technical Library

The Myanmar Mercantile Marine College Library was established in 1972.

Our Library Moto“Helping Those who seek knowledge”


  1. To expend knowledge on Nautical and Marine Engineering among community.
  2. To render services to Myanmar seafarers and the trainees by providing comprehensive library materials and information concerning with Nautical and Marine Engineering.
  3. To provide information and resources to support the classes of MMMC with adequate teaching aids
  4. To establish the e-library

Our Main Task

Our main task is to provide all seafarers with books, e-books and knowledgeable references on the subjects of maritime education and training.

Books Collection

There are totally more than 10000 books and 2000 e-books in library. The books are both printed and digital format.

Library Services

MMMC library gives-

  1. Reading Room Service
  2. Circulation Service
  3. Reference Service
  4. E-books Reading Service and
  5. Internet Service